What is Non-Surgical Treatment of gum disease?

Non-surgical treatment of gum disease involves a scaling and root planing. The scaling and root planing is done to clean the gum pockets that have formed around the affected teeth. The roots of the teeth are then smoothed to prevent most bacterial adhesion. You will typically have one side of your mouth treated at a time, since local anesthetic is required for this particular procedure.

How do I know if I have periodontal disease?

Dr. Gohel goes over the early signs and symptoms of periodontal disease.

Why is Non-Surgical Treatment needed?

You will require a scaling and root planing if you have mild periodontal, or gum, disease. The procedure is done to keep the gingival pockets that have formed as a result of the disease as clean as possible. The scaling is done to remove buildup, plaque and bacteria from the gum pockets. This can help prevent the progression of the disease and further infection of the gum tissue and bone.

What makes you a good candidate for Non-Surgical Treatment?

Non-surgical treatment of gum disease is ideal for patients who have mild to moderate periodontitis. We can help to determine if you’ll benefit from a scaling and root planing with a simple exam and consultation. We recommend coming in for routine treatment to keep the gum pockets as clean as possible. This helps to put a stop to the progression of the disease and can help with maintaining good oral health and hygiene.

What can you expect with Non-Surgical Treatment for gum disease?

You will receive local anesthetic on one side of the mouth. We will then perform a scaling and cleaning to remove heavy buildup from the teeth and from the gingival pockets that have formed as a result of the disease. The roots of the teeth are then smoothed so that bacteria does not stick to them, which prevents them from further infecting the sensitive gum tissue. We will schedule you to come back in to have the other side of your mouth treated. We will perform routine examinations to ensure that the scaling and root planing are effective at treating your gum disease.

If you have gum disease and are interested in non-surgical treatment, call our office today and we will help to get you in for an appointment at your earliest convenience.

Treatments (Non-Surgical)Treatments (Non-Surgical)
Treatments (Non-Surgical)Treatments (Non-Surgical)
Treatments (Non-Surgical)Treatments (Non-Surgical)

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