What is Advanced Laser Therapy?

Advanced laser therapy, normally referred to as LANAP, allows for us to remove unhealthy and infected gum tissue without the need for surgery. The procedure is less painful and less invasive, allowing for quicker recovery time. No incisions or sutures are required and you’ll find that the results are long-lasting and promote better oral health. Laser therapy can be done in our office at your earliest convenience.

How do I know if I have periodontal disease?

Dr. Gohel goes over the early signs and symptoms of periodontal disease.

Why would you need Advanced Laser Therapy?

We typically recommend LANAP to patients who have gum disease and who are looking to stop the progression of the disease. The procedure involves using a high-powered, yet safe laser to remove unhealthy gum tissue from around and inside of the gingival pockets around each tooth. The tissue is then allowed to heal naturally and has more of a chance of snugly fitting back against the tooth. This can seriously help with reducing and even eliminating deep gingival pockets.

Who is a good candidate for Advanced Laser Therapy?

To determine if you're a good candidate for advanced laser therapy, you'll need to come in for an exam as well as a complete consultation. We will discuss what to expect with the procedure and how to care for your teeth and gums after the procedure has been complete. Most of our patients who have gum disease are good candidates for LANAP and will find the therapy to be easier and quicker than surgical alternatives. Laser therapy is done quickly in-office and is more comfortable than other treatment options.

What to expect with Advanced Laser Therapy?

After having a consultation and exam in our office, you’ll come back for the actual procedure. The therapy involves using a high-powered laser to remove unhealthy gum tissue from around and inside of the gingival pockets. Once this gum tissue has been removed, the healthy tissue is able to heal naturally against the teeth and bones. This helps to put a stop to the progression of the disease. In some cases, uneven bone will be smoothed out in the area to prevent further bacterial infection.

If you’re interested in advanced laser therapy for the treatment of gum disease, call our office and we’ll be happy to further assist you in scheduling an appointment.

Advanced Laser TherapyAdvanced Laser Therapy
Advanced Laser TherapyAdvanced Laser Therapy
Advanced Laser TherapyAdvanced Laser Therapy

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